
Mission statement & Compliance


Our leadership principles.

We are a global team of highly skilled experts with outstanding personal service and leading technologies for your extrusion.

  • We are responsible.
  • We are appreciative.
  • We are reliable.
  • We are innovative.
  • We are active.


Guidelines of the Exelliq Holding

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners


We are committed to complying with all legal norms and driving a values-based corporate culture.  


The Exelliq compliance system covers all divisions. Each division has its own compliance officer, the Exelliq Holding GmbH is responsible for managing the compliance system.

  • We are committed to complying with all legal norms and driving a values-based corporate culture.
  • We respect our employees and see them as essential partners for the business development of our corporate group.
  • We promote fair and free competition.
  • We are opposed to any form of corruption.
  • We are committed to responsibly caring for our own property and the property of others. 
  • We separate professional interests from private ones.
  • We ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our corporate actions.


Integrity hotline

You can use our ombudsman to report any misconduct and any violation of binding provisions, such as laws, regulations, but also the Exelliq Code of Conduct and internal company guidelines and instructions, at or by Exelliq.

Every report contributes to maintaining integrity at Exelliq and to minimising legal and economic risks.

Our whistleblowing hotline has its legal basis in the so-called ‘Whistleblowing Guideline’. In addition to the basic requirements of reporting channels, this policy provides comprehensive protection for all whistleblowers. This includes protection against any disadvantage due to a report, but in particular also protection against the termination of an employment relationship in connection with a report. All whistleblowers who legitimately report violations or misconduct are protected. This protection does not apply in the event of misuse, such as deliberate false reports by Exelliq or employees. Rather, such behaviour constitutes a compliance violation in itself, which may result in disciplinary and legal consequences.

If you would like to make a report, please contact our ombudsman Dr Christian Rosinus in confidence:

E-mail: ombudsmannmail displayrosinus-partnermail displaycom
Phone: +49 69 87406306-0

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