FLTR: Wilhelm Dieterstorfer, area sales manager at Exelliq Austria GmbH, Peter Ernemann, production manager at VEKA AG
The most recent delivery of 35 Exelliq air support controls to VEKA AG in Sendenhorst shows that innovations of the Exelliq Group are being met with approval. Air support control ensures a fully monitored, quantity-controlled internal chamber ventilation of the profile during production. The supplied air flow ensures a uniform internal chamber geometry and avoids scraps due to glued webs. This can lead to demonstrable savings during the start-up process and production phases. When the expanding air volume deviates, an automatic "red" message allows for quick corrective reaction. This signal can also be output to an external flashing light.
Peter Ernemann, production manager at VEKA AG, inspected the delivery on his visit to Nussbach. “We have been collaborating with Exelliq for decades. We appreciate the long-term partnership, particularly because it helps us meet individual development requirements. Upon VEKA's request and without further consideration and without all the bureaucratic nonsense, support air control systems were equipped with magnetic clamps so that they could be attached to machines. VEKA and Exelliq can be proud of their supplier-customer relationship that has lasted over 25 years, confirmed by the delivery of more than 1,000 extrusion toolings. We are eagerly awaiting our production process with the upgrade of our production lines with air support controls and look forward to many more years of collaboration.”
The Exelliq air support control in the VEKA version with additional magnetic clamps for easy and safe positioning on the machines.