"Spring Clean"
After Sales Services campaign
You have problems with uneven material flow?
Has it been a while since your last die polish?
Then take advantage of our After Sales Services "Spring-Clean” special offer and benefit from the opportunity:
- Uniform machine polishing of the flow channels
- Feedback on the actual condition of your die
- Current exit-gap protocol (enabling wear to be detected)
- On request, offer for repair, replacement or modification of worn or damaged component

Take advantage of the “Spring Clean” promotion in the period from June 4 to 28, 2024
- Valid for both Exelliq dies and dies from other manufacturers
- Up to a profile size of 100 x 100 mm
- Simply send us your die free of materials with loosened bolts by appointment:
Exelliq After Sales Services
Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1
4542 Nußbach
We look forward to supporting you. Please contact us!
Your service partner will be happy to answer any questions or provide technical clarification:
service.tooling exelliq com